LogoDiscardLess Strategies for the gradual elimination of discards in European fisheries

Avoiding Unwanted Catches

Avoiding Unwanted Catches

Unwanted catches should preferably be avoided. DiscardLess addresses this through research on innovative improvements to selectivity (WP3) and on adaptations of fishing strategies and fishers’ behavior (WP4). Both aspects deal with fishers’ own choices in their daily practices. Our work builds therefore on combining best available fishers’ and scientific knowledge with innovative tools, to develop strategies to avoid catching unwanted species and sizes.


Gear Selectivity

Here you find links to our work on gear selectivity and technological developments.

  • Selectivity Manual (online and in PDF version)  - The manual features a short presentation of the components of selectivity and of the role of the various element of a trawl. Then, under the “factsheets” menu, a large number of nice 1-pager overview describe the main results of past and present selectivity trials. 
  • Meta Analysis - Under D3.2 you can read more about additional statistical analyses on selectivity in relation to the fishing behavior of fish.
  • See also our DiscardLess - How do we get there? video on technological developments.
  • And the presentation from Rome meeting in March 2017.


Discard Avoidance

Here you find links to our work on discard avoidance through tactical choices of where and when to fish.

  • Fishermen Stories - We have interviewed many fishermen across Europe and asked them what they think about the landing obligation and which kind of solutions they could consider applying.
  • Discards Hotspots Mapping - Presentation from Rome meeting in March 2017