WWF Mediterranean Marine Initiative


WWF works in the Mediterranean Sea, one of the world's most outstanding places. Follow us!



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  1. 釘選的推文

    WWF works in 51 sites across 10 countries with fishers, managers, scientists, & communities, testing sustainable tools, empowering & training young managers. Read our Bulletin from the field

    和其他 3 人
  2. 4月25日

    Here are some of the actions to take to build more efficient & sustainable .

  3. 4月26日

    The Montreal is about bringing people together to find out how we can protect . : “We need to put at the heart of our development, halt extinction & nature loss & integrate & nature. Together we can build a plan"

  4. 4月25日

    How is it possible to create no-fishing zones and have a 180% increase in fishing revenue? This is what from Gökova Bay in have achieved working with NGOs &scientists. We brought 18 small-scale fishers to learn from them

    和其他 2 人
  5. 4月24日
  6. 4月24日

    is a common practice that strongly contributes to in the . & partners have engaged in exchange programmes where fishers learn from fishers how to adopt sustainable techniques in their fisheries.

  7. 4月22日

    Join us this as we commit to 🌍Earth-friendly acts ✅Make more sustainable choices 👣 Reduce our carbon footprint 💡Conserve energy & resources and ♻ Share the challenge. For a full list of actions:

    和其他 6 人
  8. 2018年4月21日

    What do ALL sea species have in common? 🐢They’ve all got IN them. As plastic pollution grows more urgent, let’s remember that from land to sea, we’re all connected. This , tell us how you’re doing your part to :

  9. 2018年4月22日

    Our oceans do so much for us. But we’re choking our seas & marine life. What change will you make this to & help our home?🌎Don’t let it go unsaid:

  10. 4月19日

    When you wake up at 5am and it pays off! This week, we were in Corsica and Sardinia to meet small-scale who decided to diversify their activities for the well-being of the , their futures and the generations' to come. More info soon!

  11. 4月19日

    Today in with who mobilized a huge crowd of young people that want to act for the 🌍.

  12. 4月19日
  13. 4月18日

    The has record high levels of pollution. Watch this video to understand what it is and the main sources

  14. 4月17日

    We continue with our snapshot on in the - now with our new factsheet on impacts of sea level rise 🌊 on . ➡ within

  15. 4月18日

    Journals from the 1950s show how the problem has grown to emergency ☠️ via 👉

  16. 4月18日

    . 2020 is around the corner! "Slow progress since 2017" means that all low-hanging fruits have already been harvested and now is the time to be ambitious and act for !

  17. 4月18日

    and rays are severely threatened in many areas, incl. , also due to lack of data that prevent countries from taking appropriate measures. 's new Rapid Assessment Toolkit provides guidelines to help fill the data gap

  18. 4月17日

    Very honored! My motivation & inspiration comes from the remarkable beauty of & our 🌊. Our depens on them.

  19. 4月15日

    So far this year, seven North Atlantic right whale calves have been spotted – amazing news for one of the world's most endangered whale species!

  20. 4月14日

    Only 1% of the world’s water is fresh & accessible - and that 1% is under threat! Protecting this precious resource is essential to our survival & all life on earth. Find out about our work to in Europe



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