
@jyrkikatainen 님을 차단했습니다

정말로 이 트윗을 보시겠어요? 트윗을 봐도 @jyrkikatainen 님의 차단을 해제하지 않습니다

  1. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    6시간 전

    Suomen ja Euroopan kilpailukyky vaatii investointeja syvänteknologian kasvuyrityksiin. Pohjoismaiden ensimmäinen tieteeseen sijoittava VC -rahasto syntyi Suomeen, kiitos EU:n ja ohjelman.

  2. 6시간 전

    EU:lla on tärkeä rooli 'ien ja tieteellisten läpimurtojen rahoittamisessa. Tänään toimintansa aloittava investoi EU:n tukemana startupeihin, joiden läpimurrot voivat muuttaa elämää.

  3. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11시간 전

    "The more we talk about what is true and what is a misconception on vaccination, the better chance we have to get the right messages," the Vice-President of the Commission said.

  4. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 26일

    : It's time to speak out against disinformation! Together with , we will be hosting a Global Vaccination Summit on 12 September 2019 in Brussels Summit page 5/5

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  5. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 26일

    But is there a link between attitudes and behaviour? The results from this would suggest so as around 1/2 of EU citizens have been vaccinated in the last five years 3/5

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  6. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 26일

    This 1⃣st on attitudes towards vaccination shows that the vast majority of EU citizens believe vaccination is an effective way to prevent infectious diseases, both for protecting themselves and others 2/5

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  7. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 26일

    On European Immunization Week, check the new Eurobarometer on Europeans' attitudes towards vaccination!

  8. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 18일

    | In the aftermath of the economic crisis, the Investment Plan for Europe was implemented to fight low levels of investment and sluggish growth... But how much of an impact has it had on European lives? (with )

  9. 4월 26일

    France Televisions: Dans 16 pays de l’Union européenne, au moins la moitié des personnes interrogées affirment que les vaccins peuvent "souvent produire des effets secondaires graves", malgré l’absence de preuves scientifiques. via

  10. 4월 26일

    Politico: 48 percent of Europeans believe false claims on vaccines: poll

  11. 4월 26일
  12. 4월 26일

    Suomen teollisuus on sitoutunut ilmaston lämpenemisen rajoittamiseen 1,5 asteeseen. Kiertotalous on ilmastopolitiikan teollinen ulottuvuus. Ei ole mitään järkeä, että vain 9% luonnonvaroista pysyy kierrossa. ⁦⁩ ⁦

  13. 4월 26일

    🇪🇺🇫🇮 Oli mukava tavata tänään suomalaiset NEPT ja Blue Book -harjoittelijat. Inspiroivat keskustelut kiertotalouden ja EU:n tulevaisuudesta. Kiitokset kuvasta kabinettimme harjoittelija ! 🇫🇮🇪🇺

  14. 4월 26일

    Let’s join forces to fight disinformation and raise awareness on the simple fact that . Read my full statement:

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  15. 4월 26일

    It's good news that around half of EU citizens were vaccinated in the last 5 years. However, the Eurobarometer reinforces our belief that there’s still work to be done, esp. regarding attitudes on side effects & how this links to behaviour.

    , 님, 님 외 5명
    이 스레드 보기
  16. 4월 26일

    As recently flagged by , anti-vaccination movements impact the way people make decisions on . It's a growing problem, also here in Europe: Today, the will unveil new data on Europeans' attitudes towards vaccination.

  17. 4월 25일

    Naulan kantaan..otsikosta huolimatta. Kannattaa lukea. 2014 eurovaaleissa 10% 18-24 vuotiaista suomalaisista äänesti. Miksi? Kannattaisiko? ⁦

  18. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 25일

    Tuoreen Eurobarometrin mukaan suomalaisista 74 prosenttia arvioi, että Suomi on hyötynyt EU-jäsenyydestä. Kasvua kahdeksan prosenttiyksikköä edellisestä mittauksesta:

    이 스레드 보기
  19. 4월 25일

    The EU-Japan Summit took place in Brussels today, confirming our support to the rules-based international order. Following last year's Economic Partnership Agreement, the majority of €1 bn of duties paid annually by exporting companies have been removed.

  20. 4월 25일

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