NOAA Ocean Explorer인증된 계정


NOAA Ocean Explorer is an educational website for all who wish to learn about, discover, and virtually explore the ocean realm.

가입일: 2008년 8월


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  1. 2시간 전

    As expedition end gets closer, Team spent last full week at sea doing as much science as possible! Check out an overview of dives from Pea Island Seep & Kitty Hawk Seep:

    These blackbelly rosefish were observed throughout the dive at Pea Island Seep.
    This hammerhead shark followed behind the ROV for much of the dive at Kitty Hawk Seep but was only seen once in the forward-facing science camera.
    Push core sampling at Kitty Hawk Seep was interrupted at one point by a yellowfin tuna!
    Team DEEP SEARCH even observed a small colony of Lophelia pertusa growing on a sediment-covered rock at Pea Island Seep.
    , 님, 님 외 2명
  2. 4월 26일

    Happy ! The team saw this pretty purple octopus during their dive at Pamlico Canyon off NC coast. It was a looooong dive, clocking in at nearly 20 hours on the seafloor:

    This octopus was seen on Dive 5 at Pamlico Canyon.
    , 님, 님 외 2명
  3. 4월 25일

    Tomorrow, scientists set out to investigate to population connectivity of coral, sponge, & fish species between shallow & mesophotic reefs of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. So...what is a "mesophotic" coral reef? Learn here:

    he mesophotic coral ecosystem found at Geyer Bank at approximately 32 meters in the Gulf of Mexico.
  4. 4월 23일

    During upcoming Connectivity of Coral Ecosystems in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico expedition, scientists will study coral ecosystems found on reefs & banks in & near Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary:

    The coral reefs of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary have over 50 percent coral cover, dominated by massive star and brain corals. This panoramic image was taken on the flanks of the East Flower Garden Bank, where coral cover is upwards of 80 percent.
  5. 4월 23일

    Check out highlights from the first half of 2019:

    This black coral was seen during Dive 4 at Blake Deep.
    , 님, 님 외 2명
  6. 4월 22일

    April 26, scientists begin expedition to study connectivity of coral, sponge, & fish species between shallow & mesophotic reefs of in Gulf of Mexico: Every day is for us!
  7. 4월 19일

    We can’t manage what we don’t understand...a perspective on why we need science to make management decisions:

    Lophelia coral images during the DEEP SEARCH expedition.
    , 님, 님 외 2명
  8. 4월 17일

    Parasites infect fishes in deep sea, such as this copepod infecting a cutthroat eel seen during expedition. Learn more about deep-sea parasitism:

  9. 4월 16일

    Learn what the team is hoping to learn from water samples collected during the expedition:

    Cheryl Morrison and Christina Kellogg collect water from the two Niskin bottles after they were removed from the ROV post-dive.
    , 님, 님 외 2명
  10. 4월 15일

    During 1st dive of expedition at Richardson Hills off SC coast, the team saw thriving Lophelia pertusa coral mounds like this one throughout the dive: Woohoo!

    Lophelia coral seem during dive off SC coast
    , 님, 님 외 3명
  11. 4월 12일

    Meet ROV Jason, who will give the expedition team unprecedented access to Atlantic seafloor:

    Remotely operated vehicle Jason
    , 님, 님 외 3명
  12. 4월 11일

    In honor of - how’d you like to have a giant isopod (like this one from the Gulf of Mexico) as your pet?!

  13. 4월 11일

    On April 9, following 4 days of loading & testing gear being used during the expedition, Ship Ronald H. Brown pulled away from the dock for the official start of 2019:

    Remotely operated vehicle Jason is loaded onto the aft deck of the Ron Brown.
    , 님, 님 외 3명
  14. 4월 10일

    Now available: Fiscal Year 2020 Federal Funding Opportunity for Ocean Exploration. Deadline for pre-proposals is May 24, 2109. More info:

  15. 4월 9일

    Nearly 600 gas plumes rising from seafloor, yet less than 1% have been visually explored. During (which starts today!), scientists will explore cold seep sites to determine what lives in these habitats. Learn more:

  16. 4월 8일

    During 2019, team will explore cold, dark habitats where deep-sea corals, and the communities they support, thrive. Learn more:

    The dominant deep coral in region is Lophelia pertusa, the most common deep coral in North Atlantic. The bright red squat lobster (Eumunida picta) is often seen among the live coral colonies, with their arms raised to grab anything edible that passes by.
    , 님, 님 외 2명
  17. 4월 5일

    During 2019 expedition, scientists will explore several canyons off NC coast, including Keller Canyon -- where we saw these octopods last year. Happy ! For more on the NC canyons, visit:

  18. 4월 4일

    It's time! From April 9-30, we'll be partnering up to explore corals, canyons, & seeps along U.S. Atlantic coast. Here's the plan:

    HOV Alvin collecting a sample of live Lophelia pertusa on the DEEP SEARCH 2018 mission.
    , 님, 님 외 3명
  19. 4월 2일

    During Northeast U.S. Canyons Expedition 2013, we explored Atlantis Canyon & we were lucky enough to spot this whiplash squid (Mastigoteuthis) not far off seafloor. For more, visit:

  20. 3월 29일

    TGI...! We got a close look at this octopus while exploring Welker Canyon during the NOAA Okeanos Explorer Northeast U.S. Canyons Expedition 2013.

    Octopus seen while exploring Welker Canyon during the NOAA Okeanos Explorer Northeast U.S. Canyons Expedition 2013.

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