Science Trends


Science Trends empowers authors to increase the impact and discoverability of their work.

가입일: 2017년 7월


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  1. 1시간 전

    Robots are effectively used inside factories that are built in a way to accommodate repetitive and well-calculated pre-programmed robotic motions.

  2. 3시간 전

    According to attachment theory, healthy parental care promotes a child’s normal development, while authoritarian parenting styles are correlated with insecure development.

  3. 5시간 전

    These bacteria produce various virulence factors, among which are soluble carbohydrate-binding proteins, so-called lectins.

  4. 7시간 전

    The result of our study indicate that female engineers in Lebanon face significant hurdles which mostly arise with how society as large views them as overstepping the boundaries of their roles.

  5. 4월 26일

    The use of general anesthetics to induce loss of consciousness (LOC) in millions of patients each year provides a unique opportunity to determine if various neural circuits play critical roles in the promotion or restoration of consciousness.

  6. 4월 26일

    By the time you reach adulthood, you are estimated to know as many as 60,000 words.

  7. 4월 26일

    If we meet somebody, their name has a neutral association for us. However, if we fall in love with them, the name all of a sudden gains a positive valence.

  8. 4월 26일

    Graph edit distance (GED) is a useful metric that gives a measure of similarity of two graphs.

  9. 4월 26일

    With intense concern about global climate change and its impacts on both human society and the natural environment, policy prioritization might lead to both general public and policymaker expectations for increased public funding.

  10. 4월 26일

    NTBG revolutionized cliff survey in Hawaii in the 1970s utilizing ropes, and now we are applying drone technology to go even further

  11. 4월 26일

    Sometimes, mutant cells may arise, which can deviate from their cooperative ways and follow their own selfish interests, potentially leading to cancerous cell growth, thus jeopardizing the survival of the group as a whole.

  12. 4월 26일

    The only other serphitoid family, Archaeoserphitidae, also displays common morphological features with the new wasp.

  13. 4월 25일

    As one of the main components of nucleic acids, phosphorus is an essential element for sustaining life, making it a biocompatible material with extensive applications in the biomedical field

  14. 4월 25일

    Our memory of personally experienced events is central to our identity and our sense of self.

  15. 4월 25일

    Batteries are complex devices exhibiting structures at several length scales, from the atomic level, at which electrochemical reactions take place, to the micrometer range through the nanoscale.

  16. 4월 25일

    The Devonian period was one of global change with the evolution and spread of forests and woodlands, and this had profound global change consequences.

  17. 4월 25일

    Soil organic matter is really just a fancy word for dead and partially decomposed plants, soil animals, and microbes, so it is not surprising that the greatest concentrations are found near the soil surface, where most of the organisms live.

  18. 4월 25일

    Fruit bats are known to be able to discriminate, select, and track the essential oils of their preferred fruits.

  19. 4월 25일

    Recently, in the field of reproductive biology, we have started a new open-source project focused on the development of new software for sperm analysis.

  20. 4월 24일

    Applications where STO is expected to make an impact are microelectronics, power, and energy, and the list is open for further developments and concepts.


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