MBA (Marine Biology)


The Marine Biological Association of the UK, Advancing marine science through research, communication and education since 1884.

Plymouth, UK
가입일: 2009년 10월


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  1. 8시간 전

    Applications are invited for a Hardy Research Fellowship, a research position to investigate impacts of environmental change on marine organisms. Full details here:

  2. 4월 27일

    Wherever you are, the ocean affects our lives in many ways. Find out how at

  3. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 26일

    Can your school support on Jun 7th? Dive into resources that are targeted as a starter pack for classroom learning about the wonders of the Ocean Sign your school up to for more resources & to take part!

    , 님, 님 외 7명
  4. 4월 26일
  5. 4월 26일

    New research at the MBA reports the discovery of a novel class of ion channels in eukaryotes that underlie rapid animal-like excitability in marine diatoms Biology

  6. 4월 26일

    issue 12 of The Marine Biologist is out now! Where are you reading yours?

  7. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 26일

    With the final steps in motion to bring our conference together in May - this tweet is a MASSIVE THANKS to our hard working committee!!👏👏Many hours and endless positivity makes for a great conference team. Look out for their smiling faces in dark blue logo'd t-shirts!! 😄

  8. 4월 26일

    Great to see ocean issues getting so much attention ( is at the Marine Biological Association )

  9. 4월 25일

    Stunning imagery and "an important step in reconstructing the cell biology of the last common ancestor of animals"

  10. 4월 25일

    Check out the article on in the May edition of . We were delighted to host photographer David Liittschwager here at the MBA.

  11. 4월 25일

    Ever wondered where the rain comes from? Look out for these in a space near you The oceans are closer than we think

  12. 4월 23일

    April showers where you are? See the ocean differently at

  13. 4월 19일

    A team from has entered the challenge in Bristol, cycling 100km throughout a Saturday Night to raise money for ! To follow their progress and donate please visit the FB page

  14. 4월 16일

    Check out our video showing how the continuous plankton recorder has recorded plankton AND plastics over decades

  15. 4월 16일

    MBA research shows for the first time significant increases in (bags, rope and netting) from 1957 – 2016

  16. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 8일

    See how (i) passage through the gut of a marine polychaete: and, (ii) polychaete mucus: affects microbial nitrogen cycling taxa Great collaboration with and . Full papers now online.

  17. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 8일

    ⁩ presenting his ⁦ research on chytrid biology ⁦

  18. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 13일

    Fantastic day showcasing surveys for - thanks to all involved and for coming!

    , 님, 님 외 2명
  19. 4월 10일

    1st assessment of how plankton communities are changing around UK. Study uses 11 year time-series of data giving a snapshot of how plankton communities have changed + shows that patterns of change differ spatially in UK waters

  20. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 4일

    Pushing for a high-seas conservation treaty to protect life in international waters is aided by maps of animal and threat distributions Photo: K Hiscock


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