The Ocean Project


We advance ocean conservation in partnership with zoos, aquariums, museums, and others around the world and coordinate World Oceans Day

가입일: 2009년 6월


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  1. 56분 전

    London Marathon replacing thousands of plastic water bottles with biodegradable seaweed pouches

  2. 5시간 전

    Deep-ocean creatures living a 'feast-or-famine' existence because of energy fluxes

  3. 18시간 전

    Ocean acidification 'could have consequences for millions'

  4. 21시간 전

    New study finds ocean-dwelling species hit hardest by global warming

  5. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 26일

    The Pollution Lesson & Action Plan will help you teach your peers and community members about plastic pollution, inspire them with solutions, and empower them by doing an activity.Lesson plan also available in Spanish and Chinese!

  6. 4월 28일

    Endangered rays may have unknown birthing zone in Mexican waters

  7. 4월 28일

    Coral reef atlas contains largest collection of reef maps ever made

  8. 4월 28일

    Time is running out to save right whales

  9. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 26일

    "The themes around Earth Day directly align to AZA’s mission of protecting wildlife and wild places, and our accredited facilities spent this last week hosting educational events, spring cleanings, and more in honor of Earth Day."

  10. 4월 27일

    Just 10% of U.S. plastic gets recycled. A new kind of plastic could change that

  11. 4월 27일

    US Southeast Atlantic coast facing high threat of sea-level rise in the next 10 years

  12. 4월 27일

    33-year study shows increasing ocean winds and wave heights

  13. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 25일

    The improved Coastal & Inland Cleanup Guide will give your a modern & fresh perspective ✨ From promotion, to day-of engagement with the app, to post-cleanup, this guide has you covered every step of the way 👍 Download the guide:

  14. 4월 26일

    'Outrage is justified': David Attenborough backs school climate strikers

  15. 4월 26일

    Half of all land must be kept in a natural state to protect Earth

  16. 4월 26일

    Year 2100: redrawing the world’s coasts

  17. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 24일

    The Plog for the Ocean Toolkit contains everything you need to host your own event as an energetic way to raise awareness and take action against plastic pollution. 👍 is the act of picking up litter while jogging. 🏃Download toolkit:

  18. 4월 25일

    The Toll of Tourism: Can Southeast Asia Save Its Prized Natural Areas?

  19. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 24일

    Our green journey: To reduce plastic waste, the Detroit Zoological Society installed 21 filtered-water stations throughout the grounds of the Detroit Zoo and has discontinued the sale of bottled water as part of our Green Journey.

  20. 4월 25일

    Climate change activist Greta Thunberg: 'Listen to climate scientists'


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