MWC Marine


Marine issues from MWC: a not-for-profit communications consultancy mixing creativity with science to tell a new story of sustainability.

London | Bristol | Frome | Cornwall


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  1. 已轉推

    Applications are now open for the 2020 International Fisheries Science Prize, to be announced at . Find out more at

  2. 已轉推
    7 小時前

    *New blog post* Malin Skog, 's Sustainability Manager, shares initial findings from their flying trawl doors trials developed and tested w/ . Results look positive for both fishing & fuel efficiency. Find out more:

  3. 7 小時前

    : Working directly with communities, Fishing for Energy collects derelict gear, recycles it and converts it into energy - & also funds innovations that prevent 'ghost gear'! Read more:

  4. 4月26日

    In Lamu, Kenya, and join forces to reduce despite surrounding threats - including sharks and Al-Shabaab. Nina Wambiji, a scientist, bases her designs on existing technology but adapts to local budgets and uses:

  5. 已轉推

    After a 'record number of nominations' for Young of the Year, two of the four that have made the shortlist are from . Congratulations and good luck to William Mackenzie of Peterhead and Ross Sutherland of Lerwick. 📷 :

  6. 4月26日

    New blog post! We had a trip to the cinema to see and MWC Intern wrote about it (yes, we do film reviews now) - click here for a Friday giggle:

  7. 已轉推

    reminder that we're advertising for a *paid* at & you've got just over a week left to apply! Check it out: Super fun team ☑️ Fish chat ☑️ Unlimited coffee ☑️

  8. 4月25日

    : A 's life was saved in March - all thanks to his . Useless unless worn!

  9. 4月25日

    Here is MWC’s submission to the art competition that ends *TODAY*, thanks to our resident bird-sketcher 🎨✏️ make sure you send your albatross-related creations to by the end of the day!

  10. 4月24日

    For the 10th year of their 2009-19 "Decade of Sustainability", the is launching a Sustainability Contest. They are looking for innovative ideas to improve the of worldwide. Watch this video for more details:

  11. 4月24日

    We can't wait to see what comes out of this new Twitter account! Let's get more youngsters out on the water! Welcome to the Twittersphere, 😊

  12. 4月23日

    : Don't miss your opportunity to work with the around! The MWC Social Media Internship will give you the important skills you need to help move you forward in your career. More details and how to apply:

  13. 4月23日

    : Last week's featured our honest and heartfelt interview with photographer . You won't want to miss this one! 📷 📷

  14. 4月22日

    Here's some for you - 's 15 brilliant Instagram accounts to follow: 📷📷 But don't forget the most important Insta of them all... yep, MWC is on the gram! Check us out here:

  15. 4月22日

    Eco-friendly packaging made from waste ?! Say no more! This innovative startup is right up our street. reports: 👌

  16. 4月19日

    Coral nurseries are and successful restoration projects, with about 90% of out-planted surviving & thriving once back on the reef 🐙 Read more about them here:

  17. 4月19日

    If you've been following on , you will recognise the stunning photos of taken by - and now you can read this interview with him! WARNING 🚨 may cause sudden desire to move to Bird Island.

  18. 4月18日

    Don't forget to vote in the Awards today! We're so excited to see the results - especially from the Young Fisherman of the Year category - great to see celebration of young talent in . Good luck everyone 🍀 🐟

  19. 4月18日

    We love being organised *almost* as much as we love all things here at MWC - so we're very excited that 's 2020 calendar will combine the two. You can even have your 📷 s featured in it by emailing before the 7th of June!

  20. 4月17日

    : Are you passionate about all things ? are looking for a Digital Brand Engagement Officer to manage and develop their website & intranet. Closing date 29th April:



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