Gearing Up


A Northern European project working with & for seeking guidance on how to modify their gear to improve fishing & meet the



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  1. 釘選的推文

    Have you been working on a gear trial? Would you like to see it in the Gearing Up tool? Follow these four simple steps & you could add your trial today! Take a look at this new to see how.

  2. 7 小時前

    *New blog post* Malin Skog, 's Sustainability Manager, shares initial findings from their flying trawl doors trials developed and tested w/ . Results look positive for both fishing & fuel efficiency. Find out more:

  3. 4月26日

    The **newest** trial on assessed if using a 300mm SMP combined w/ a 90mm codend mesh successfully reduces undersized catch in the sea. Key species catches were substantially reduced compared 2 standard gear. See the full results:

  4. 4月24日

    A new app is helping steer clear of 'hotspots' in Ireland - areas likely to land them with unwanted catches. Great to see this from and ! Read more about this solution:

  5. 4月23日

    The Combituig project from & Rederscentrale not only aims to reduce species and other , but also involves some "seriously new tech". Read the new article about this exciting project also assisting with the LO:

  6. 4月22日

    The aim of trial 242 was to test the performance of square mesh windows inserted in the codend, and found that was relatively low in the trial codends but higher in the small mesh control codend. Read more about this trial:

  7. 4月19日

    One of the *brand new* trials on the tool looks at the potential of a larger 90mm and changed orientation codend mesh size to reduce undersized . It found total catches of whiting were lower but were higher using the T90:

  8. 4月18日

    Trial 101 aimed to assess the of an 80mm diamond mesh codend fitted with three different grids and panels, where the issue was and . See which was the most successful on the tool:

  9. 已轉推

    Excellent meet in sharing insights on fishing tech & fish behaviour . Presented where tech can be introduced to enhance sustainability incl. . Huge thanks to hosts. Highlights:

  10. 4月17日

    Saviez-vous que l'outil est disponible en français? 🇲🇫Découvrez ce projet qui aide les pêcheurs à trouver des solutions de efficaces pour éviter les de # sous-dimensionnés:

  11. 4月17日

    "Use of LED-lights inside the net seems to be promising: fish clearly react to the lights and catch composition is influenced." . We added a new blog from last week. Take a look:

  12. 4月16日

    L’étude 48 vise à réduire l’impact du à sur les fonds marins. Les résultats n'ont montré aucune perte importante d'espèces cibles, mais trois des modèles ont entraîné une perte de prises commercialisables. En savoir plus:

  13. 4月15日

    Images and video content

  14. 已轉推

    *New blog* > < Our project may be over, but the work never stops and our friends over at continue to promote selective fishing gears.

    和其他 6 人
  15. 4月15日

    ! *New selective gear trials* have been added to the Gearing Up tool. Take a look now:

  16. 已轉推

    A great meeting last week with participants from 23 countries at -2019 annual meeting called - Responsible Fishing Technology for Healthy Ecosystems and Clean Environment. . Thanks to our Host, Shanghai Ocean University (China)

  17. 4月12日

    Great to see selectivity at the forefront of the meeting last week. Skippers sharing their experiences of taking part in trials and showcasing the huge amount of information available from the project. Take a look: 📸

  18. 已轉推

    💬Have you read 's new blog post? An inspiring read emphasising the importance of and : 'Change is possible if everybody works together'. 🤝🙌

  19. 4月11日
  20. 4月10日

    that has recorded traffic from over 36 countries? Read about this and other ways we are gearing up for growth in : 📷 :



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